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2019-09-02 1746 人阅读 免费留学咨询电话:400-805-0602
每年大学排名都会在9月进行发布,在9月9号,享誉全球的u.s. news & world report 美国新闻与世界报道2020美国最佳大学排名就如期而至了。去年是普林斯顿大学登顶夺得第一,哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、麻省理工大学紧随其后分别位列第二、第三、第四。快来看一下你的梦校今年排第几吧!
排名 | 学校名称 | 学校英文名 | 所在城市 | 学费/年 | 学生人数 | sat均分 | act均分 |
1 | 普林斯顿大学 | princeton university | princeton, nj | $51,870 | 5,428 | 1440-1570 | 32-35 |
2 | 哈佛大学 | harvard university | cambridge, ma | $51,925 | 6,788 | 1460-1580 | 33-35 |
3 | 哥伦比亚大学 | columbia university | new york, ny | $61,850 | 6,202 | 1450-1560 | 33-35 |
3 | 麻省理工学院 | massachusetts institute of technology | cambridge, ma | $53,790 | 4,602 | 1500-1570 | 34-36 |
3 | 耶鲁大学 | yale university | new haven, ct | $55,500 | 5,964 | 1450-1560 | 33-35 |
6 | 斯坦福大学 | stanford university | stanford, ca | $53,529 | 7,087 | 1420-1570 | 32-35 |
6 | 芝加哥大学 | university of chicago | chicago, il | $59,298 | 6,552 | 1490-1570 | 33-35 |
6 | 宾夕法尼亚大学 | university of pennsylvania | philadelphia, pa | $57,770 | 10,183 | 1440-1560 | 32-35 |
9 | 西北大学 | northwestern university | evanston, il | $56,691 | 8,231 | 1430-1550 | 33-35 |
10 | 杜克大学 | duke university | durham, nc | $58,198 | 6,682 | 1450-1570 | 33-35 |
10 | 约翰霍普金斯大学 | johns hopkins university | baltimore, md | $55,350 | 6,064 | 1470-1560 | 33-35 |
12 | 加州理工学院 | california institute of technology | pasadena, ca | $54,600 | 948 | 1530-1580 | 35-36 |
12 | 达特茅斯学院 | dartmouth college | hanover, nh | $57,204 | 4,417 | 1420-1560 | 31-35 |
14 | 布朗大学 | brown university | providence, ri | $58,504 | 7,043 | 1420-1550 | 32-35 |
15 | 圣母大学 | university of notre dame | notre dame, in | $55,553 | 8,617 | 1400-1550 | 33-35 |
15 | 范德堡大学 | vanderbilt university | nashville, tn | $52,070 | 6,861 | 1450-1560 | 33-35 |
17 | 康奈尔大学 | cornell university | ithaca, ny | $57,222 | 15,182 | 1390-1540 | 32-34 |
17 | 莱斯大学 | rice university | houston, tx | $49,112 | 3,992 | 1450-1560 | 33-35 |
19 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 | washington university in st. louis | st. louis, mo | $55,292 | 7,751 | 1470-1570 | 32-35 |
20 | 加州大学洛杉矶分校 | university of california, los angeles | los angeles, ca | $42,218 | 31,577 | 1270-1520 | 28-34 |
21 | 艾茉莉大学 | emory university | atlanta, ga | $53,804 | 7,086 | 1350-1520 | 31-34 |
22 | 加州大学伯克利分校 | university of california, berkeley | berkeley, ca | $43,176 | 30,853 | 1300-1530 | 28-34 |
22 | 南加州大学 | university of southern california | los angeles, ca | $58,195 | 19,907 | 1350-1530 | 30-34 |
24 | 乔治敦大学 | georgetown university | washington, dc | $56,058 | 7,459 | 1370-1530 | 31-34 |
25 | 卡耐基梅隆大学 | carnegie mellon university | pittsburgh, pa | $57,119 | 6,947 | 1450-1550 | 33-35 |
25 | 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 | university of michigan, ann arbor | ann arbor, mi | $51,200 | 30,318 | 1330-1510 | 30-34 |
27 | 维克森林大学 | wake forest university | winston-salem, nc | $55,440 | 5,225 | 1310-1470 | 29-33 |
28 | 弗吉尼亚大学 | university of virginia | charlottesville, va | $50,920 | 16,777 | 1330-1500 | 30-34 |
29 | 佐治亚理工学院 | georgia institute of technology | atlanta, ga | $33,794 | 16,049 | 1390-1540 | 31-34 |
29 | 纽约大学 | new york university | new york, ny | $53,308 | 26,733 | 1310-1510 | 29-34 |
29 | 塔夫斯大学 | tufts university | medford, ma | $58,578 | 5,643 | 1380-1530 | 31-34 |
29 | 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 | university of north carolina, chapel hill | chapel hill, nc | $36,222 | 19,117 | 1270-1470 | 27-33 |
29 | 罗切斯特大学 | university of rochester | rochester, ny | $56,026 | 6,535 | 1320-1500 | 30-34 |
34 | 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 | university of california, santa barbara | santa barbara, ca | $43,383 | 23,070 | 1230-1480 | 26-32 |
34 | 佛罗里达大学 | university of florida | gainesville, fl | $28,658 | 35,491 | 1280-1440 | 27-32 |
36 | 加州大学尔湾分校 | university of california, irvine | irvine, ca | $43,481 | 29,736 | 1180-1440 | n/a |
37 | 波士顿学院 | boston college | chestnut hill, ma | $57,910 | 9,377 | 1320-1490 | 31-34 |
37 | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 | university of california, san diego | la jolla, ca | $43,162 | 30,285 | 1250-1470 | 26-33 |
39 | 加州大学戴维斯分校 | university of california, davis | davis, ca | $43,484 | 30,872 | 1150-1410 | 25-31 |
40 | 波士顿大学 | boston university | boston, ma | $55,892 | 18,515 | 1330-1500 | 30-33 |
40 | 布兰迪斯大学 | brandeis university | waltham, ma | $57,561 | 3,639 | 1280-1500 | 29-33 |
40 | 凯斯西储大学 | case western reserve university | cleveland, oh | $50,904 | 5,262 | 1350-1520 | 30-34 |
40 | 威廉玛丽学院 | college of william and mary | williamsburg, va | $46,283 | 6,377 | 1310-1490 | 30-33 |
40 | 东北大学 | northeastern university | boston, ma | $53,506 | 13,909 | 1360-1540 | 32-34 |
40 | 杜兰大学 | tulane university | new orleans, la | $56,800 | 6,773 | 1350-1490 | 30-33 |
46 | 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 | university of wisconsin, madison | madison, wi | $37,785 | 32,648 | 1300-1480 | 27-32 |
46 | 维拉诺瓦大学 | villanova university | villanova, pa | $55,430 | 6,917 | 1300-1470 | 30-33 |
48 | 伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校 | university of illinois, urbana-champaign | champaign, il | $33,352 | 33,915 | 1220-1480 | 26-32 |
48 | 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | university of texas, austin | austin, tx | $38,228 | 40,804 | 1230-1480 | 27-33 |
50 | 里海大学 | lehigh university | bethlehem, pa | $55,240 | 5,047 | 1270-1450 | 29-33 |
50 | 佩伯代因大学 | pepperdine university | malibu, ca | $55,892 | 3,627 | 1220-1420 | 26-32 |
50 | 伦斯勒理工学院 | rensselaer polytechnic institute | troy, ny | $55,378 | 6,628 | 1330-1500 | 29-33 |
50 | 佐治亚大学 | university of georgia | athens, ga | $31,120 | 29,611 | 1240-1410 | 27-32 |
54 | 俄亥俄州立大学 | ohio state university, columbus | columbus, oh | $32,061 | 46,820 | 1240-1450 | 27-32 |
54 | 圣克拉拉大学 | santa clara university | santa clara, ca | $53,634 | 5,520 | 1270-1440 | 28-32 |
54 | 雪城大学 | syracuse university | syracuse, ny | $53,849 | 15,226 | 1180-1370 | 25-30 |
57 | 佛罗里达州立大学 | florida state university | tallahassee, fl | $21,673 | 32,472 | 1200-1350 | 26-30 |
57 | 宾州州立大学公园分校 | pennsylvania state university, university park | university park, pa | $35,514 | 40,363 | 1160-1360 | 25-30 |
57 | 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 | purdue university, west lafayette | west lafayette, in | $28,794 | 32,672 | 1180-1410 | 25-32 |
57 | 迈阿密大学 | university of miami | coral gables, fl | $51,930 | 11,117 | 1250-1430 | 29-32 |
57 | 匹兹堡大学 | university of pittsburgh | pittsburgh, pa | $33,746 | 19,330 | 1270-1430 | 28-33 |
62 | 罗格斯大学 | rutgers university, new brunswick | piscataway, nj | $32,189 | 36,039 | 1190-1410 | 25-31 |
62 | 华盛顿大学 | university of washington | seattle, wa | $38,796 | 32,099 | 1220-1460 | 27-32 |
64 | 洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学 | loyola marymount university | los angeles, ca | $50,283 | 6,700 | 1210-1390 | 27-31 |
64 | 南卫理公会大学 | southern methodist university | dallas, tx | $56,560 | 6,479 | 1280-1460 | 29-33 |
64 | 康涅狄格大学 | university of connecticut | storrs, ct | $39,894 | 19,133 | 1210-1420 | 26-31 |
64 | 马里兰大学学院公园分校 | university of maryland, college park | college park, md | $36,890 | 30,762 | 1290-1480 | 28-33 |
64 | 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 | university of massachusetts, amherst | amherst, ma | $35,710 | 23,515 | 1200-1390 | 26-31 |
64 | 伍斯特理工学院 | worcester polytechnic institute | worcester, ma | $52,322 | 4,668 | 1300-1460 | 29-33 |
70 | 克莱蒙森大学 | clemson university | clemson, sc | $38,112 | 19,669 | 1220-1400 | 27-32 |
70 | 乔治华盛顿大学 | george washington university | washington, dc | $56,935 | 12,546 | 1280-1460 | 29-32 |
70 | 德州农工大学 | texas a&m university, college station | college station, tx | $37,726 | 53,743 | 1170-1380 | 25-31 |
70 | 明尼苏达大学双城分校 | university of minnesota, twin cities | minneapolis, mn | $33,325 | 34,633 | 1270-1480 | 26-31 |
74 | 福坦莫大学 | fordham university | new york, ny | $54,093 | 9,645 | 1250-1430 | 28-32 |
74 | 史蒂文斯理工学院 | stevens institute of technology | hoboken, nj | $54,014 | 3,230 | 1330-1480 | 30-33 |
74 | 弗吉尼亚理工学院 | virginia tech | blacksburg, va | $32,835 | 27,811 | 1180-1390 | 25-31 |
77 | 美利坚大学 | american university | washington, dc | $49,889 | 8,287 | 1220-1380 | 27-31 |
77 | 杨百翰大学 | brigham young university, provo | provo, ut | $5,790 | 31,441 | 1190-1420 | 26-31 |
79 | 贝勒大学 | baylor university | waco, tx | $47,364 | 14,188 | 1190-1370 | 26-31 |
79 | 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校 | binghamton university, suny | binghamton, ny | $27,791 | 14,021 | 1310-1440 | 28-32 |
79 | 贡萨加大学 | gonzaga university | spokane, wa | $45,140 | 5,317 | 1183-1350 | 25-30 |
79 | 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 | indiana university, bloomington | bloomington, in | $36,514 | 33,301 | 1150-1360 | 24-31 |
79 | 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 | university at buffalo, suny | buffalo, ny | $27,850 | 21,607 | 1160-1330 | 24-29 |
84 | 科罗拉多矿业学院 | colorado school of mines | golden, co | $39,762 | 4,954 | 1290-1450 | 28-33 |
84 | 伊隆大学 | elon university | elon, nc | $36,571 | 6,196 | 1150-1330 | 25-30 |
84 | 马凯特大学 | marquette university | milwaukee, wi | $43,936 | 8,435 | 1150-1320 | 24-30 |
84 | 密歇根州立大学 | michigan state university | east lansing, mi | $39,766 | 39,423 | 1110-1310 | 23-29 |
84 | 北卡罗来纳州立大学 | north carolina state university, raleigh | raleigh, nc | $29,220 | 25,199 | 1250-1390 | 27-31 |
84 | 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 | university of california, santa cruz | santa cruz, ca | $43,046 | 17,792 | 1170-1400 | 24-31 |
84 | 爱荷华大学 | university of iowa | iowa city, ia | $31,568 | 23,989 | 1120-1330 | 23-28 |
91 | 克拉克大学 | clark university | worcester, ma | $47,200 | 2,304 | 1200-1390 | 28-31 |
91 | 迈阿密大学(俄亥俄) | miami university, oxford | oxford, oh | $34,307 | 17,326 | 1200-1380 | 26-31 |
91 | 纽约州立大学石溪分校 | stony brook university, suny | stony brook, ny | $28,528 | 17,522 | 1230-1420 | 26-31 |
91 | 加州大学河滨分校 | university of california, riverside | riverside, ca | $42,819 | 20,581 | 1110-1330 | 23-29 |
91 | 特拉华大学 | university of delaware | newark, de | $34,310 | 19,117 | 1170-1350 | 25-30 |
91 | 圣地亚哥大学 | university of san diego | san diego, ca | $51,186 | 5,855 | 1190-1360 | 25-30 |
97 | 德雷塞尔大学 | drexel university | philadelphia, pa | $54,516 | 13,490 | 1170-1380 | 25-30 |
97 | 新泽西理工学院 | new jersey institute of technology | newark, nj | $32,750 | 8,532 | 1190-1380 | 25-30 |
97 | 圣路易斯大学 | saint louis university | st. louis, mo | $45,424 | 7,167 | 1180-1370 | 25-31 |
97 | 德克萨斯基督大学 | texas christian university | fort worth, tx | $49,250 | 9,445 | 1150-1343 | 26-30 |
97 | 丹佛大学 | university of denver | denver, co | $52,515 | 5,801 | 1170-1370 | 26-31 |
97 | 旧金山大学 | university of san francisco | san francisco, ca | $50,282 | 6,704 | 1130-1330 | 23-29 |
97 | 叶史瓦大学 | yeshiva university | new york, ny | $44,900 | 2,682 | 1140-1400 | 22-30 |
104 | 奥本大学 | auburn university | auburn, al | $31,124 | 24,628 | 1150-1310 | 25-30 |
104 | 克雷顿大学 | creighton university | omaha, ne | $41,400 | 4,446 | 1150-1350 | 24-30 |
104 | 霍华德大学 | howard university | washington, dc | $27,206 | 6,243 | 1140-1285 | 22-27 |